Gym Building Update (February 23, 2024)

The construction group is pleased to report our progress for the week ended February 23, 2024.

Site Work:  At this point the site work is all excavated for the entire construction area.  Building footprint, parking lot, cafeteria parking area and various underground drainage for the building.

In the background on Site Work we are preparing for spring thaw and the contacting the building to the various utility hook up.  ie:  Water, Sewer, Electrical and data.

Concrete:  We have 100% completed the footings, the foundation walls, foundation insulation and backfill of the foundation.

At this time the concrete work is on hold as the steel building is being erected.

Steel work: All of the buildings main steel beams and associated beams are in place.  The roof is being prepared for roof panels and the walls are being prepared for wall panels.

In the background we have on order our Foard Panels for the base of the building that will act as a back board for the stone veneer that will go on the building five feet high at the main building and two feet high at the lobby.

The lobby continues to take shape and all the main steel is up for that building.

We will be reporting weekly the progress on the project.